Friday, July 13, 2018

Free e-Book on Weight Loss from NHS

If you want to loss weight, you need to have a plan and work towards your goal with a will to success.  As an initial tool, please click this link to download the free NHS Choices 12-week Guide.

What is NHS?

The National Health Service (NHS) is the publicly funded national healthcare system for England and one of the four National Health Services for each constituent country of the United Kingdom. It is the largest single-payer healthcare system in the world.  NHS provides lots of valuable information about health and I personally visit their website very often.

Objective of the guide is to help you work towards losing weight at a safe and sustainable rate of 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lbs) a week. Food and activity charts are provided for recording your weight and waist size in the process.

This guide will help develop healthier eating habits, be more active, and get on track to start losing weight with easy-to-follow steps.

NOTE: The NHS 12-week weight loss plan is also available on the App Store for iOS devices

Why 12-week?

Research shows that it takes about 12 weeks on average to form new habits. By sticking to this routine for three months, healthy eating and regular exercise will become habits, which are key to losing weight and keeping it off. So if you are successful in going through this 12-week guide, you are on the right track to enjoy a new life.

A Personal Note from Anna

Before your reading the NHS 12-week Guide on weight loss, I must remind you that this guide is quite number oriented.  In terms of weight loss, the only number I care about is my weight.  Food calories, daily minutes of activities and any other kind of numbers are less of my concern.  As you know, I am aiming at a simple life, so I am making weight loss as simple as possible. However, no matter you enjoy dealing with numbers or not, this free e-book is very resourceful and contains a lot of useful information to guide you through your weight loss journey.

Below are some highlights about the NHS 12-week Guide.

Basic Weight Loss Tools

10 Simple Weight Loss Ideas
  1. Eat slowly - It takes approximately 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that it is full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.
  2. Use smaller plates and bowls to avoid overeating. This will help you get used to smaller portions without going hungry.
  3. Keep aiming to achieve 150 minutes of exercise every week.
  4. Plan for three 30-minute lunchtime walks every week.
  5. If you use public transport to get to work, try to fit a 20-minute walk into your journey every day of the week.
  6. Plan for diet-friendly socializing, such as a country walk, cinema or bowling, etc.
  7. Promise yourself a non-food reward if you accomplish any goal, such as a new pair of jeans or running shoes, trip to the movies, etc.
  8. Stop sitting for too long. Studies show that reducing your time sitting down will help you lose weight. Not only should you do more structured exercise, like running or cycling, you should try to be more active generally. That means spending less time sitting in front of the TV, using a computer or using the car for short journeys.
  9. Track your drinks. If you’re a cappuccino or latte drinker, try switching to a black or white coffee.
  10. Tell family and friends how you’re doing – you might even inspire them to join you. 

Set SMART Goals

Weight loss is a matter of lifestyle change.  For behavior change to be long-lasting, a simple goal-setting technique called SMART can help. When setting goals, like losing weight, try to be SMART about it. SMART stands for:
  • Specific: your goal should be precise, ‘I will run three times this week’, rather than general, ‘I will exercise more’
  • Measurable: your goal should be measurable, ‘I will do at least 150 minutes of exercise this week’ rather than ‘I will exercise more’
  • Achievable: break down your overall goal into easy mini-goals
  • Relevant: choose goals that apply to your circumstances
  • Time-specific: set yourself a time scale for achieving your goal

Some Final Thoughts

Setbacks are normal when trying to change habits of a lifetime. Accept this, and it will help you have the right attitude to get back on track when a slip-up does occur. Plan ahead how you will cope with potential bumps on the road, such as a meal out or a party.

An unexpected benefit of taking on something new like physical activity is increased self-confidence and improved self-esteem. Tackling something and achieving success in one area can produce a real mental boost, which can transfer into other aspects of life.

Are you ready to start your simple weight loss plan? Then follow the NHS 12-week guide and start a successful weight loss journey.

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